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AILFN networks have recognized that the legal profession is being disrupted. More of the same will not work if their members are to prosper.
Change presents challenges. It also creates opportunities for members of AILFN.
AILFN Members
AILFN members are admitted if they meet the following criteria: (a) have been in existence for 20 or more years; (b) have serveral in person meetings each year; (c) have a board of directors; (d) established practice area committees; and (e) rigorous screening before inviting members to join the association (f) continuous monitoring for quality of service and (g) annual re-certification to ensure member networks maintain practice capabilities and client satisfaction, and adhere to AIFLN policies.
AILFN Members adhere to specific client service standards for engagement, communication, reporting, documentation and billing, including: (a) acknowledgment of client communications within 24 hours, (b) preliminary estimate of fees and basis for rate; (c) providing a range for disbursement charges and currency for payment (d) issuing a standard letter of engagement; (e) agreement on client’s requirements for status reporting; submitting billing statements for work performed, according to client’s requirements; (f) offering an English-speaking administrator and voicemail or messaging service in English; and (g) documentation using Microsoft Word.